Hi! Elan aka DFIR Diva here, a Junior Incident Response Analyst trying to learn all things DFIR on a limited budget. I went from doing about a year of technical support back in 2010, to having a non-technical Access Management role for several years, then going straight into Incident Response. It was a HUGE jump. All of a sudden, I needed to know how to do digital forensics investigations, analyze malware, know what assembly code means, and a plethora of other things I didn’t know I needed to know. I definitely couldn’t afford to pay thousands of dollars for training.

I’m hoping these curated lists of training and events will help others who are in the same boat.

There is also a lot of free hacking training and challenges out there but free and affordable DFIR/Blue Team content wasn’t easy to find. This site does have an Ethical Hacking section (I believe learning how to hack makes for a better responder) but the main focus is Digital Forensics & Incident Response.

I don’t just throw everything that’s free or cheap on here, I try to make sure the training listed is good quality.

I want to thank all of the course and content creators for making their content free or low cost!

My main website/blog is at DFIRDiva.com

Ways to Search

  • You can search the listings by keyword
  • You can search only free or only affordable training. Leave blank for both.
  • You can select one or more categories and one or more Training Features
  • You can combine all of the above

The example below shows a search for free training for both the Incident Response and OSINT categories that are Hands-On and have a Proof of Completion.

Want to help support this site?

This site takes time and money to maintain so any support whether monetary or spreading the word would be greatly appreciated. I rely on Buy Me a Coffee, Teepublic merch sales, and purchases made through affiliate/partner links to be able to keep this site going financially.

Please leave a comment below (no name or email required) or let me know on social media and I’ll fix or remove it. Additionally, please let me know if something is listed here that is not intended to be free. I love free things as much as anyone else but I don’t want to share pirated content.

Leave a Reply

  1. Anonymous

    You got a typo here: In addition to “Buy My a Coffee”, I am an affiliate

    1. DFIR Diva Listing Owner

      Thank you for catching that! It’s been corrected.

    1. DFIR Diva Listing Owner

      Thank you! The link has been updated.

    1. DFIR Diva Listing Owner

      This has been updated. Thank you!

    1. DFIR Diva Listing Owner

      Thank you! It’s been removed.

    1. DFIR Diva Listing Owner

      Thank you for letting me know! It’s been removed.

  2. JR

    this isn’t to report a broken link, but rather some feedback, and i couldn’t find another way to contact you. first of all, the resources you put together are amazing, extremely useful as a blue teamer. however, what would be beneficial is a way to sort them by the time they were added, that way you can just pop in and see if anything new has been added since last time. perhaps even a feed of the 20 or so most recently added resources. anyways, just a thought. thanks for this, it’s really helpful

    1. DFIR Diva Listing Owner

      Thank you for the feedback! I created a page that displays the 20 latest additions and added it to the menu: https://training.dfirdiva.com/newest-additions
      I also publish a monthly blog post that lists everything that’s been added each month: https://dfirdiva.com/category/free-and-affordable-training-news-and-updates/
      I am hoping to eventually be able to add more sorting and filtering options. That functionality is just too much of an additional expense right now.

  3. JR

    love it! thank you!
    also, somehow i’d missed the blog completely, but that’s great, thank you so much

    1. DFIR Diva Listing Owner

      Thank you! I removed that listing.

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